
509 lines
12 KiB

'use strict';
// JStuff
function JStuff(query)
this.nodes = null;
if (typeof query === 'string' || query instanceof String) {
this.nodes = document.querySelectorAll(query);
} else {
this.nodes = [ query ];
this.all = function(func, arg) {
var i, result;
for (i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++) {
result = func(this.nodes[i], arg);
return result;
this.attribute = function(name, value) {
return this.all(function(node, attr) {
if (attr.v)
node.setAttribute(attr.k, attr.v);
return node.getAttribute(attr.k);
}, {k: name, v: value});
this.onClick = function(handler) {
this.all(function(n, f) {n.addEventListener('click', f, false)}, handler);
return this;
this.onSubmit = function(handler) {
this.all(function(n, f) {n.addEventListener('submit', f, false)}, handler);
return this;
this.addClass = function(className) {
this.all(function(node, cn) {
if (node.classList)
}, className);
return this;
this.removeClass = function(className) {
this.all(function(node, cn) {
if (node.classList)
}, className);
return this;
this.replaceClass = function(oldClass, newClass) {
this.all(function(node, obj) {
if (node.classList) {
}, {ocl: oldClass, ncl: newClass});
return this;
this.switchClass = function(className) {
this.all(function(node, obj) {
if (node.classList) {
}, className);
return this;
this.hasClass = function(className) {
return this.all(function(node, cn) {
if (node.classList) {
return node.classList.contains(cn);
} else {
return (node.className.indexOf(cn) != -1);
}, className);
this.value = function(value) {
return this.all(function(node, value) {
if (node.value) {
if (value)
node.value = value;
return node.value;
return null;
}, value);
window.$ = function(q){return new JStuff(q)};
window.$.main = function(func) {
if (window.addEventListener) {
addEventListener("load", func, false);
} else if (window.attachEvent) {
attachEvent("onload", func);
} else {
onload = func;
$.create = function(tagName, childNode) {
var n = document.createElement(tagName);
if (childNode)
return new JStuff(n);
$.createLabel = function(text) {
return new JStuff(document.createTextNode(text));
function JStuffAjax(attr) {
var GET = 'GET',
t = this,
query = '',
try {
method = (attr.method == POST) ? POST : GET;
} catch(e) {
method = GET;
this.onReadyStateChange = function() {
if (this.request.readyState == 4) {
if (this.request.status === 200) {
if (typeof (this.attr.load) !== 'undefined') {
this.attr.load(this.request.status, this.request.responseText);
return true;
return false
try {
r = new XMLHttpRequest();
} catch(e) {
var iev=[
for(var i = 0; i < iev.length; i++) {
try {
r = new ActiveXObject(iev[i]);
} catch(e){
// do nothing
if (typeof ( !== 'undefined') {
for (var key in {
if (query != '')
query += '&';
query += encodeURIComponent(key)+'='+encodeURIComponent([key]);
if (method == GET) {
attr.url += '?'+query;
query = null;
if (typeof (attr.sync) === 'undefined') {
attr.sync = true;
r.overrideMimeType("text/plain");, attr.url, attr.sync);
r.onreadystatechange = function() {t.onReadyStateChange()};
this.request = r;
this.attr = attr;
$.ajax = function(attr) {return new JStuffAjax(attr)};
$.log = function(msg, ex) {
if (console.log) {
if (ex) {
msg += ' E('+ex.message+')';
// SVG fix
/*! code below is based on svg4everybody v2.1.9
* */
var LEGACY_SUPPORT = false;
function embed(parent, svg, target) {
// if the target exists
if (target) {
// create a document fragment to hold the contents of the target
var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
// cache the closest matching viewBox
var viewBox = !svg.hasAttribute('viewBox') && target.getAttribute('viewBox');
// conditionally set the viewBox on the svg
if (viewBox) {
svg.setAttribute('viewBox', viewBox);
// clone the target
var clone = target.cloneNode(true);
// copy the contents of the clone into the fragment
while (clone.childNodes.length) {
// append the fragment into the svg
function loadreadystatechange(xhr) {
// listen to changes in the request
xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
// if the request is ready
if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
// get the cached html document
var cachedDocument = xhr._cachedDocument;
// ensure the cached html document based on the xhr response
if (!cachedDocument) {
cachedDocument = xhr._cachedDocument = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument('');
cachedDocument.body.innerHTML = xhr.responseText;
// ensure domains are the same, otherwise we'll have issues appending the
// element in IE 11
// cachedDocument.domain = document.domain;
xhr._cachedTarget = {};
// clear the xhr embeds list and embed each item
xhr._embeds.splice(0).map(function (item) {
// get the cached target
var target = xhr._cachedTarget[];
// ensure the cached target
if (!target) {
target = xhr._cachedTarget[] = cachedDocument.getElementById(;
// embed the target into the svg
embed(item.parent, item.svg, target);
// test the ready state change immediately
function svg4everybody(rawopts) {
var opts = Object(rawopts);
// create legacy support variables
var nosvg;
var fallback;
// if running with legacy support
// configure the fallback method
fallback = opts.fallback || function (src) {
return src.replace(/\?[^#]+/, '').replace('#', '.').replace(/^\./, '') + '.png' + (/\?[^#]+/.exec(src) || [''])[0];
// set whether to shiv <svg> and <use> elements and use image fallbacks
nosvg = 'nosvg' in opts ? opts.nosvg : /\bMSIE [1-8]\b/.test(navigator.userAgent);
// conditionally shiv <svg> and <use>
if (nosvg) {
// set whether the polyfill will be activated or not
var polyfill;
var olderIEUA = /\bMSIE [1-8]\.0\b/;
var newerIEUA = /\bTrident\/[567]\b|\bMSIE (?:9|10)\.0\b/;
var webkitUA = /\bAppleWebKit\/(\d+)\b/;
var olderEdgeUA = /\bEdge\/12\.(\d+)\b/;
var edgeUA = /\bEdge\/.(\d+)\b/;
//Checks whether iframed
var inIframe = !== window.self;
if ('polyfill' in opts) {
polyfill = opts.polyfill;
} else if (LEGACY_SUPPORT) {
polyfill = olderIEUA.test(navigator.userAgent) || newerIEUA.test(navigator.userAgent) || (navigator.userAgent.match(olderEdgeUA) || [])[1] < 10547 || (navigator.userAgent.match(webkitUA) || [])[1] < 537 || edgeUA.test(navigator.userAgent) && inIframe;
} else {
polyfill = newerIEUA.test(navigator.userAgent) || (navigator.userAgent.match(olderEdgeUA) || [])[1] < 10547 || (navigator.userAgent.match(webkitUA) || [])[1] < 537 || edgeUA.test(navigator.userAgent) && inIframe;
// create xhr requests object
var requests = {};
// use request animation frame or a timeout to search the dom for svgs
var requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || setTimeout;
// get a live collection of use elements on the page
var uses = document.getElementsByTagName('use');
var numberOfSvgUseElementsToBypass = 0;
function oninterval() {
// get the cached <use> index
var index = 0;
// while the index exists in the live <use> collection
while (index < uses.length) {
// get the current <use>
var use = uses[index];
// get the current <svg>
var parent = use.parentNode;
var svg = getSVGAncestor(parent);
var src = use.getAttribute('xlink:href') || use.getAttribute('href');
if (!src && opts.attributeName) {
src = use.getAttribute(opts.attributeName);
if (svg && src) {
// if running with legacy support
if (LEGACY_SUPPORT && nosvg) {
// create a new fallback image
var img = document.createElement('img');
// force display in older IE = 'display:inline-block;height:100%;width:100%';
// set the fallback size using the svg size
img.setAttribute('width', svg.getAttribute('width') || svg.clientWidth);
img.setAttribute('height', svg.getAttribute('height') || svg.clientHeight);
// set the fallback src
img.src = fallback(src, svg, use);
// replace the <use> with the fallback image
parent.replaceChild(img, use);
} else if (polyfill) {
if (!opts.validate || opts.validate(src, svg, use)) {
// remove the <use> element
// parse the src and get the url and id
var srcSplit = src.split('#');
var url = srcSplit.shift();
var id = srcSplit.join('#');
// if the link is external
if (url.length) {
// get the cached xhr request
var xhr = requests[url];
// ensure the xhr request exists
if (!xhr) {
xhr = requests[url] = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url);
xhr._embeds = [];
// add the svg and id as an item to the xhr embeds list
parent: parent,
svg: svg,
id: id
// prepare the xhr ready state change event
} else {
// embed the local id into the svg
embed(parent, svg, document.getElementById(id));
} else {
// increase the index when the previous value was not "valid"
} else {
// increase the index when the previous value was not "valid"
// continue the interval
if (!uses.length || uses.length - numberOfSvgUseElementsToBypass > 0) {
requestAnimationFrame(oninterval, 67);
// conditionally start the interval if the polyfill is active
if (polyfill) {
function getSVGAncestor(node) {
var svg = node;
while (svg.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'svg') {
svg = svg.parentNode;
if (!svg) {
return svg;
// Core
var gCore = {
mod: null
// Contact
function Contact()
{ = $('#feedback__email');
this.msg = $('#feedback__msg');
this.onLoad = function(httpStatus, content) {
if (httpStatus == 200) {'');
alert("Thank you for your message!");
} else {
alert("Your message was not sent!");
$.log('server response: '+httpStatus);
this.onSubmit = function(evt) {
var t = this;
url: '/hook/feedback/',
handler: function(httpStatus, content) {t.onLoad(httpStatus, content)},
data: {email:, msg: this.msg.value()},
method: 'POST'
$.log('Email: ' +'; MSG: '+this.msg.value());
return false;
$('#feedback__form').onSubmit(function(evt) {return t.onSubmit(evt)});
// Main
// initialize menu
var sw = $('#menu__switch').onClick(function(evt) {
var menu = $('#menu'),
targ = $(evt.currentTarget);
// modules
switch($(document.documentElement).attribute('data-view')) {
case 'contact':
gCore.mod = new Contact();